Westside HOA

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Landscape Tips for Spring

Some basic tips for lawn maintenance, now that spring has begun:

Perform routine lawn maintenance, as needed. Proper lawn maintenance includes:

  • Mowing, trimming, edging along all hard surfaces & removing weeds from the lawn. The frequency of lawn mowing will vary depending on how often it is watered or rains, how many weeds are in the lawn, etc. Some lawns may require lawn maintenance as often as once a week to stay in compliance.

  • Remove grass and weeds from all flower/landscape/rock beds.

  • Remove all dead branches from trees and shrubs. Prune shrubs.

  • Replace the sod in all bare or dead grass areas of your front yard.

  • Remove and replace dead shrubs and trees.

  • Trim up tree canopies over the sidewalk to a minimum of 8’ and over the street to a minimum of 14’. Note: City of Cedar Park may do this for you if they see an issue, and it might not be aesthetically pleasing as you’d like.

  • Trim shrubs so the address sign is visible from the street. This is especially critical in the event of an emergency. The Police/EMS or the Fire Department may not be able to find your home, so trimming your overgrown shrubs could save a life!

It is also time to reposition potted plants from your driveway staging area to their locations in your landscape.